Run your own farm full of cuddly creatures.
Dark Orbit
Fight against thousands of real-time opponents in this action space combat game.
Become a swashbuckling pirate and leader of the mighty ocean!

Sacred Heroes
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Game Plays: 9546
Filesize: 8.08 MB
Protect and ancient temple by raising an army of soldiers and heroes.

Use the MOUSE to control your heroes and cast spells.

Keyboard shortcuts:
[1,2,3,4] numeric keys - for quick selecting a Hero. The heroes needs to be unlocked first.
[Q,W,E,R,T,Y] - to select Spell and use MOUSE Left click to cast it. The spells must be unlocked first.
Use [P] to pause the game, press [M] to mute music and [N] to turn off sound effects.